Custom Swimming Cap Suppliers

主役として swimming cap manufacturer in China, Vanguard’s caps feature high-quality silicone for a secure fit and excellent water resistance. Ideal for both casual swimmers and professionals seeking reliable, long-lasting gear.





Available Popular Caps

Personalized Swimming Caps for Your Business

There is no limit to custom cap options in Vanguard. ユニークなデザインで他の製品と差別化することができます. 具体的なアイデアがある場合, それをデザインに変えることができます.

Material of Cap

According to your actual demand, we can tailor your swimming hats with premium silicone, lycra, latex, 等. With specialized production and professional quality inspection, we can promise the properties of waterproofing, elasticity, and versatility.

Printing of Cap

Our design and engineering team specializes in creating a wide selection of printing patterns for your choice. And our cutting-edge technology allows the prints to be long-lasting and not likely to wear underwater.


プレミアムで満足のいくスイミングギアを作るために, 当社の専任専門家は品質のあらゆる細部に細心の注意を払っています.

Strong Resilience

Our swimming caps, made from highly elastic materials, can fit any head form and hairstyle.

Durable & Versatile

The caps can be used long-term and applied to different temperatures underwater.


The colors of our swimming caps perfectly fit your ideals. 色あせの心配がなく、美しい美しさを手に入れることができます。.

Strong Sealing Property

All swimming caps are waterproof and highly sealed. And we can guarantee the leak-proof property.

カスタマイズするための 4 つのステップ



カスタム オプションの一致

ロゴをお送りください, ご希望のパントンカラー, パターン, 等, 最適なソリューションを見つけます.


経験豊富な設計能力により、サンプルを社内で作成できます。 7-15 日々.


試作終了後, 手間をかけずにサンプルをお送りします. 詳細を確認してフィードバックをお寄せください。.